Interview Questions
Over the years, several people who heard my life story said, “You should write a book.” I never thought my path in life would be something someone would find significant, much less want to read about it. It’s bbecome clear that all of us desire some glimpse of hope. For many people, the American dream is a myth, viewed as something only obtainable by society’s elite and not by those of us on the fringes.
I think my story shows those who are struggling in life that they can change their situation. They can make a better life for themselves - no matter what is chaining them down or what hurdle lies in their path.
Where you’re from doesn’t have to be where you are going! If Bull Shark can inspire one person to change for the better, then my decision to pull back the curtain on my life will be worth it.
In eastern North Carolina we often encounter the bull shark. It’s the only shark in the world that can exist in fresh and salt water. They can be seen far up the river from where you would expect to see the dorsal fin. They are common patrollers of the salty depths of the ocean. They are survivors that can navigate any environment. Like the bull shark, I lived and functioned in some unlikely environments - from drop out to dentist, truck driver to teacher, trailer parks to towering institutions. In the words of Johnny Cash, “I’ve been everywhere man!”
Recapping and revisiting my life was rather eye opening. I’ve done a lot in my time on this planet. It took putting it to paper for me to realize it. I’m thankful God gave me the drive to keep moving forward. My life could have easily gone in a different direction - South that is!
Stop procrastinating and just get started. Once the pen hits paper or your fingers touch the keyboard, it will flow out easier than you think! Write to satisfy yourself and not others.
Yes. Writing this book was very therapeutical for me. I went to some places I hadn’t been in a very long time and developed some new perspectives along the way. It was like walking the halls of an old house where you once lived. The paint-chipped walls and creaky floors become a time machine of memories.
"Man's Search for Meaning" is the best book I’ve ever read. “The Alchemist” is one of my favorites. I’ve read most of Jordan Peterson’s work. I also enjoy books by Tim Keller and C. S. Lewis.
Getting the first paperback in the mail. That was really cool. It gave me a sense of accomplishment. I thought to myself, if this becomes nothing more than just this one copy on my bookshelf then it would all be worth it. A lot of people have written books, but not a lot of people from my neck of the woods!
No matter what your situation is, you can accomplish anything with hard work and determination. It doesn’t matter who your family is, what part of town you are from, how much money you have in the bank, or what you’ve done in the past. The only person standing in your way is you!
The chapter entitled “Twenty Three Pairs.” It’s hard to write about my son. Once you read it, you’ll understand.
It made me realize that my story is not finished. God willing, I’ll be able to add to the story and live the second part for the better. I feel I have a lot of work to do, not for myself but for others. I see myself as someone that needs to get to work! Time is of the essence! "No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” Ronald Reagan